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"AMC Source teammates have been incredible, and an absolute pleasure to work with and joy to see in action! Thank you for helping us turnaround."

Marcus Hill

President, Senior Executive Association

"Retaining AMC Source when I served as President of NADOHE was one of the most important and significant decisions of my presidency. With a new and rapidly growing association, management services were critical. AMC Source offered a wealth of experience in higher education, with great attention to detail and comprehensive services. They are knowledgeable and professional and I offer my highest recommendation."

Benjamin Reese, Jr., Ed.D.

Former President, National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education

"You are ROCK STARS. Please let me commend you on such a stellar team that you have put together. And let me personally thank you for making them available to us. I am appreciative of your willingness to grow with us and be supportive of all that we do. I appreciate it and the AMA Alliance appreciates it and much of that success is from you all. Thank you."

Jacqueline Nguyen

President, American Medical Association Alliance

"Here’s a major shout out to Greg Brooks of AMC Source who has put in a ton of time and energy into helping us modernize ACCTA! He has been thoughtful, responsive, and very much in tune with our needs. He has the tendency to generously give others credit when much belongs to him as well. I for one have been overjoyed to be working with him, not to mention getting 15 hours a week of my life back because of this transition. So feel free to inundate him with gratitude. It is the least we can do considering the support you offer us. ACCTA and our conferences are successful in large part to your efforts. Thank you for all that you do to keep us running more smoothly, and give us more time for leadership to discuss the important issues of the organization."

Matt Zimmerman, Psy.D.

President, Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies

"You make a positive difference and I have appreciated all you have done in support of our organization's development. Thank you for your friendship."

David McCartney, C.A.

President, Midwest Archives Conference

"We're looking forward to continuing to work with you in enhancing the effectiveness of our Board's efforts.  Your organizational skills and expertise were a welcome and necessary  addition."

Elizabeth Gong-Guy, Ph.D.

President, Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs

"Just a quick note of gratitude. You have been selfless advocates for FMA, going above and beyond considering our recent financial struggles. I remember Doug and I having our last discussion about the new management group -- and both of us, for separate reasons, agreed that you, personally, had made the difference for us. That our professional ties led to a friendship only makes it that much sweeter."

Kevin Kaminski

Chairperson, Florida Magazine Association

"I so appreciate your care and leadership. You are a good person! Know that I will ALWAYS give you the benefit of the doubt and respect your position. You are one of my favorite people because IMC USA has meant so much to me…and you are key to keeping us in business. You treat everyone with respect and because you expect your clients to do the same. THANK YOU for all that you do. You are by far the best ED that IMC USA has had. I appreciate your steadfast commitment to ethical principles so much!"

Loraine Huchler, CMC, P.E

Chair & CEO, Institute of Management Consultants USA

"Honestly I feel like one of the most significant things we did in 41 years...if not THE most significant thing...was to hire AMC Source. So thank YOU for all you have given to me and so many others. Your impact has been massive and immeasurable. You have truly made a difference. I truly —I mean truly--do not have the words to adequately thank you for your friendship, support, humor, hard work, and the many things you did to help me. Just know I absolutely could not have done it without you. It would be an honor to serve as a reference for you."

John S. Westefeld, Ph.D.

President, American Psychology Association, Society of Counselling Psychology

"AMC Source’s Greg Brooks has been amazing to work with! Greg’s prompt responses to our needs is incredible! Not only does he complete the tasks we ask of him, but he offers ideas and suggestions. I was really excited for his presentation on Sunday during our lunch, where he showed us some of the possibilities available to us. As a psychologist, I would have never have thought of an association management company to support us. An outstanding decision! Greg has worked closely with us and has provided many suggestions to help ACCTA save money or identify more efficient ways of managing the association and hosting a conference. We are grateful for you and value your support. The Board and I are able to focus on what was most important to the organization and that is only possible with your help!! Thank you so very much."

Mary Ann Covey, Ph.D.

Former President, Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies

"As NAA Chairman of the Board, I want to thank you for your commitment to increase the South East Florida Apartment Association membership as it, in turn, strengthens FAA and NAA. As importantly, it will allow your new members to receive the benefits that each of the local, state, and national associations offer."

Marc Rosenwasser

Chairperson, National Apartment Association

"I would like to take this opportunity to recognize Gregory Brooks and his staff for their efforts in making the Southeast Florida Apartment Association a success. His team took over our association when it was very weak and financially unstable as a result of the weakened market. Within two years, Greg and his team turned our association around and we have grown both in membership as well as increased our financial stability. As a result, SEFAA was recognized on both a state and national level for its accomplishments. Thank you to Greg and his team for re-building the relationships that will help SEFAA continue to grow. You are amazing!"

Donna Ameller

Chairperson, South East Florida Apartment Association

"You make a positive difference and I have appreciated all you have done in support of our organization's development. Thank you for your friendship."

David McCartney, C.A.

President, Midwest Archives Conference


"I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and friendship over the years. It makes me so happy to hear about AMC Source's global impact. You've created an amazing company!"

Ilene M. Magee, Ph.D.

"You reinforce my belief that by being part of the AMC Source team, I am part of a company that values and rewards hard work and dedication. Most noteworthy is the leadership and positive work environment you foster. Thank you for making me feel valued as an employee."

Patty Anderson, CAE, IOM

"Thank you for the additional opportunities and the rewards they bring! I believe one of the strongest measures of a company is how valued their employees/team members feel. I, for one, feel valued and I’m proud to be on the AMC Source team! :) I’m grateful to be working with you!"

Lindy Rome, QAS

"You are an example to us on how to live genuine quality and successful lives - and I'm not just saying that because I see it in action. Keep burning brightly!"

Clayton Manwaring

Professional Organizations

"Members are thrilled with the Engagement Lounges and it was truly such a fantastic idea that you had."

Jennie Stitzinger

Director of Communications and Education, AMC Institute

"On behalf of all FSAE leadership and staff, thank you for all you do to make FSAE great for so many association industry professionals."

Frank Rudd, CAE, CMP

President/CEO, Florida Society of Association Executives

AMC Institute Members

"We are starting a website revision and I'll be showing my team your site for sure!"

Travis Rush

CEO, Kellen

"Thanks for always being such a champion for people and so positive on all of these events!"

JJ Colburn, CAE

President/Partner, Strategic Association Management (SAM)

"I greatly appreciate the time that you took last week to meet with me! The accreditation process can be a bit overwhelming and I love the idea of working through the details with another AMC going through the process. Thanks for sharing your ideas. I am sure it will make the process a lot more fun and productive, as well. I look forward to our paths crossing again!"

Janet Randles

JMS Association Management Professionals

"Thank you for being so generous with your time earlier today. You gave me great feedback which will be aggregated to assist AMCI in their pursuit of continuous improvement. And thank you for sharing your insights – about your experiences and your business accomplishments. AMC Source has such a great story to tell."

Constance Wrigley-Thomas, CAE

Owner/CEO, Essentient Association Management & Events

"I owe everything to my Ultimate BadAssador!! The meeting was a great experience for us and Molly and I look forward to getting more involved. I’ve got lots to learn from you in this business and our companies are of similar sizes so we might just have to plan a “strategy session” down there…"

Talbot Gee

SEVEN12 Management


"I am writing to recommend the professionalism and integrity of AMC Source and its leadership team of Gregory Brooks. He produces results and credits others for success. I have served in leadership positions for several leading manufacturing associations over the past thirty plus years as well as serving on the Board of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE). I also served as Executive Director in Corporate Development for the US Chamber of Commerce. I have met and worked with countless association professionals during this time and I rank Greg right up there at the top of the list for the services they deliver to their clients and the spirit of collaboration with which they operate their business."

Donald B. Shea

"Your enlightened leadership of AMC Source makes a positive difference for your clients, their members, and the world. Keep up the great work!"

Joyce Gioia

The Herman Group

"Thank you for being alive in the world. You make such a personal and professional difference in many lives through your compassion, graciousness and high standards. It's my great pleasure to know and love you."

Judy Gray

President, CEO on Call and Former CEO of the Florida Society of Association Executives

"You are an awesome Association Leader Greg. I have been fortunate to serve with you and become your friend. Your work leaves an example for others to follow. You were so deserving of this recognition. It was my true honor to present it! You have been a great leader that I looked up to and learn from you. Thank you."

Marsha Kiner

Executive Director, Association of Florida Colleges

Vendors/Business Partners

"My team really enjoys working with your staff.  We sincerely appreciate your business and trust in us."

Mark Sedgley

President and CEO, MemberClicks

"It was so nice to have the whole group with us last week! We truly appreciate the partnership and are looking forward to many more opportunities. You are a true ambassador of our brand and we cannot thank you enough for your support!"

Sophie Garneau

Sales Manager, Four Seasons Resort

"Greg – A private thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you and your client.   It takes a strong exec to bring in a strong outsider."

Carolyn Fazio

Fazio International

"As I reflect on all the things I’m thankful for, my friendship with you comes immediately to mind. Having met you has been a highlight. Your positive attitude, energy, kindness, and everything about you are inspirational."

Sam Perks

Commercial Real Estate

2455 E. Sunrise Boulevard, Suite 816

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

1050 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 500

Washington, DC 20036


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